FONDECYT applications

The Astrochemistry Group at Universidad de Concepción invites applications for sponsoring postdoctoral research fellowships in the areas of observational, theoretical, and laboratory astrochemistry.  Sponsored fellows are expected to carry out independent research in close collaboration with the group of Prof. Stefano Bovino.
The Bovino astrochemistry group focuses on the study of star- and planet-formation through three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamical simulations as well as APEX/ALMA observations. The ultimate goal is to compare simulations with observations, and obtain relevant information on the chemical and physical conditions of star- and planet-forming regions.

The group recently started to develop the COsmic Dust Experiment (CODE, see here) to build a cryogenic ion-trap for the study and characterization of gas-grain interaction and reactivity on grain surface under ISM conditions. The CODE project is a long-term project that will benefit from experienced researchers in the field of ion-trapping and experimental physics.

Researchers with experience in laboratory astrophysics or with modeling and MHD codes, are strongly encouraged to apply.
The applicant will have the opportunity to work in a highly interdisciplinary group with ongoing collaborations with Chemistry, Astronomy, and Engineering departments.

The group will sponsor selected candidates applying for 3-year FONDECYT postdoctoral grants from the Chilean funding agency, ANID. Awarded FONDECYT fellowships are expected to begin on March 15, 2022 (with some flexibility), with eligibility limited to recent PhDs, received not earlier than Jan 1, 2018 and granted before the application deadline. FONDECYT call is usually out in August with deadline in September.

FONDECYT fellowships include a competitive salary, relocation money, and additional benefits (travel and equipment money). For more information contact Prof. Stefano Bovino (stefanobovino (at)

Universidad de Concepción is considered one of the most beautiful campus in the country, with a vibrant and dynamic environment. The Department of Astronomy has now 12 professors, several postdoctoral researchers and many graduate students (more info here).

While a resident at Department of Astronomy / UdeC, the candidate will qualify as a member of the Chilean community with 10% privileged access on all telescopes in Chile, including APEX and ALMA. Resources include the HPC cluster Kultrun, as well as access to data from ALMA and APEX observational programs. People interested in applying to Fondecyt Fellowship should submit a cover letter, CV, list of publications, and a brief (max 2 pages) research statement by July 30th, 2021 to Stefano Bovino ( A list of three referees who could send letters of recommendation should also be included. Deadline proposal submission 19.08.2021

Universidad de Concepción and the Astrochemistry Group seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply. 

ESO-Mixto applications

The Astrochemistry Group at Universidad de Concepción invites applications for sponsoring postdoctoral research fellowships in the areas of observational and laboratory astrochemistry through the ESO-Mixto call (Deadline August 6th).
Researchers with experience in observations (interferometry and single-dishes) and/or skills in laboratory astrophysics (particularly ion-trap) are strongly encouraged to apply. People interested in applying for an ESO-mixto fellowship should contact Prof. Stefano Bovino ( by sending CV, a brief research statement (max 1 page), a cover letter, list of publications, and the name of three contacts who can send letters of recommendations by July 15th. ESO-Mixto fellowship are for two years.

ESO-Mixto fellowships provide competitive salary and benefits.


stefanobovino (at)
stefanobovino (at)


+56 - 41 - 220 - 7248


Departamento de Astronomía
Avenida Esteban Iturra s/n
Casilla 160-C
Room 222
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción, Chile